120gm of salted butter, softened
Optional for extra zest:

Greg, Nee and Baby Kay on the Go! Food adventure, travels, recipes & now, kiddy stuff too.
1) Cut cherry tomatos to quarters or cube shape. Roughly chop onion. Tear basils to smaller pieces.
2) Mixed all ingredients together and set aside. Season with salt and pepper or 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegerattes before topping onto grilled bread.
1) Chop mushrooms to squarish pieces. Season with salt and pepper and garlic and dried herbs.
2) Heat up pan with olive oil and add seasoned mushrooms. Saute until all liquid evaporates. Set aside.
There are also more and more children born sick with asthma and with the weirdest forms of cancer, physical/mental abnormality and handicap which makes us appreciate the fact that having a healthy child no matter how naughty they can be is still like striking jackpot lottery.
Have you ever wondered what is really happening to our world and society? Aren't children supposed to be our future leaders, the generation that must be nurtured, cared for and loved? Why are family units crumbling and why are they so many social ills?
Despite these sad aspects of things, every time Greg and I are involved in charity work, we are quite amazed to witness the generousity of some individuals. They contribute their time, effort, talent and of course money for charitable causes. Over the weekend, we watched Kuchingites working hard to contribute to a charity. Our good friend, Doreen's school for the mentally handicapped children were having the annual sales. Many people volunteered to set up stores to sell all types of food and some very creative & fun activities like body painting. Many people also showed up with pre-sold tickets to support the charity sales.
Did you know that the Kuching Blind Centre had to build an entire new building based on the support of the general public public & a few individual philantropist? There was barely any contribution from the government and their so called ministers. They are usually very good at holding big grand cheque-handing-over ceremonies at big grand hotels, with the media snapping away. But if you look at the cheque, the amount is so miserable. Sometimes I wonder why millions are wasted on abandoned, unfinished and overpaid projects, elections campaigns, grand opening ceremonies and so on. The mathematics just does not tally.
There are actually genuine needs out there to make life better for these less fortunate people and children. They are many of you with big hearts and lots of care and love for them. So if you think you can contribute your dollars or effort and time, please do so. They are right here in Kuching, not some far away places.
Children charities that always need extra support are like the School for the Mentally Handicapped where a large amount of funding is needed anually for special equipments, staffing and the daily operations.
The Salvation Army is also another organisation that solely relies on charity to survive. Many children there are neglected, some without parents, while others are abused children. Funding is needed for the daily operation, children's books, food and clothing. These children basically do not have even 1/4th of the privileges of a normal child, from a normal average family.
Other organisations in need also include Autistic Children, Thelesammia, The Cheshire Home, School for Deaf and Dumb & The Blind Centre.
Nee graciously cooked up a Tsunami on Friday nite & we invited friends from our cell group over for a big Italian themed dinner. Literally, she marathon-cooked for the whole afternoon for 5 hours until she almost fainted.
And behold, the Great Italian Mafia spread:
Take it easy. This is just the appetizer. I'll let Nee take you thru it.
NEE: Italy's famous Antipasto export: Bruschetta, done with homemade French Loaf
Another antipasto: Beef Carpaccio with Homemade Tonnato Sauce
Grilled Vegies with Balsamic Vinegerattes
NEE: It's important to note that when serving Italian dishes for a party, cetain dishes can only be cooked after the guests have arrived & are revving up to eat. Therefore, sometimes it can be a strain as the cooking still goes on even when the guests are already seated & are already eating.
Pasta: Spaghetti Aglio-olio with Seafood
Another Pasta: Linguine Carbornara
Lasagna al Forno (oops a little burnt on top, hehe..)
For the mains, we had:
Chicken Piccatta : The chicken breast pieces are as tender as fish
Osso Bucco with Mashed Potatos (I cheated. Did a oxtail version), served with Gremolata
Italian Style Roast Lamb Shoulders served with Rosemary Garlic Cream Sauce.
I did 2 pizzas. They should always come out last from the kitchen, fresh from the oven onto the table & into the tummy.
WARNING: We are now entering the dangerous dessert area:
Panna Cotta ~ Italian Cooked Cream with Homemade Strawberry Coullis.
Greg calls this one the Mafia Shootout.
GREG: And just when you think the night has ended, Nee came out with a fire show.