Ladies & Gentlemen, Monsieur & Mademoiselle,
We have finally reached home ground after spending a total of 14 hours in the sky. Our flight arrived via KLIA at a very opportune time on a Friday afternoon when the custom officers were away for prayers. Therefore we managed to walk out scotch free with English Tea & LV bags MUAHAHAHAHA.

Of course we did the obligatory tourist spots in London like Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Tower of London, the disappointing London Bridge, the magnificent Tower Bridge, Big Ben, the Parliment House, 10 Downing St, Wetminster Abbey, had tea at Fortnum & Mason's (Her Majesty's officially appointed grocer), visited the Diana memorial at Harrod's, had the English breakfast, pub Fish & Chips, English Sausages Toad in the Hole, English Pies & English Roast, met up with Nee's cousins & friend & bumped into a celebrity (a real live one, not at Madame Tussaud's).

In Paris, we did the Lourve, saw the Mona Lisa, climbed the Notra Dame, walked on Champs de Elysees, Rue St Martins, St Germaine Boulevard, strolled along the romantic Seine River like in one of the Elizabeth Taylor movies, went up the Eiffel Tower, visited the Pompidou Contemporary Art Gallery, the Gardens at Tuilleries, savoured French cuisines at the street cafes, braserries, pattiserries, boulangeries & restaurants.
London is a very historical city. Paris is also one, but done with 10 times the grandeur. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip, the sightseeing, & the food, but we are glad to be back home. Our feet & backs are aching, we are sun burnt, jet lagged, & need sleep & recuperation, & our stomachs are constipated.
Oh, thanks for dropping by frequently in our absence. We really appreciate that!