In a table setting like this, what happens when you say Can someone pass me the soya sauce please & it's all the way at the other end of the table?
Greg, Nee and Baby Kay on the Go! Food adventure, travels, recipes & now, kiddy stuff too.
In a table setting like this, what happens when you say Can someone pass me the soya sauce please & it's all the way at the other end of the table?
This particular section of the gallery is called the Galerie d'Apollon.
Comparing with the other galleries, this one has got to be the most zhng-ed one in the whole of The Louvre. It seemed like Ah Lien was here & she did a complete makeover of the place.
This whole thing was commisioned by Louis XIV who was the Sun King in the 1660s. The designs on the ceiling & walls depict Apollo, which was a representation of King Louis himself, strangely. It's wierd how some people can be so rich & powerful that they start to think that they're gods.
But that's really no different from a particular 'royal' family in Sarawak.
Who's really in charge here?!!
But then again, it shouldn't be surprising. Royalty or not, the husbands always wear the cheap RM5 white Teck Kong T-shirt while the wife carries a RM5,000 LV bag.
Heheheh. Actually, both of the crowns could have been the King's lah. But all the same, the Teck Kong T-shirt & LV analogy still stands.
We bought a €9 full-day pass cos we figured we'd be there practically the whole day. It's a simple calculation. If it takes 1 minute to look at an artwork (inclusive of the time for walking), 35,000 artwork would take you 45 days. So prioritisation was very important.