Although we're pretty late, Greg and I would like to wish all our readers a happy belated easter and for those who do not know, Good Friday is the day when Jesus was hanged on the cross for doing absolutely nothing wrong with his blood dripping dry before dying. He was God's only Son and He died to wash the sins of humankind. Three days later, he overcame death & rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He would prepare a home for you and I. Oh, I was thinking about what three days later actually meant. If Jesus died in the evening on Friday, that'd be counted as 1 night. Saturday would be one full day. So did he actually rose on a Sunday or Tuesday? :)
So what have we done to deserve such grace? Well basically nothing! Zilch. And that is why it is called grace. All we need to do is to accept this love. So Easter is the time to rejoice! Happy Easter! It is still happy easter here in Melbourne cos the schools are out, a lot of places are quite and some retaurants are even shut for the holidays.
Anyway, we arrived n Monday night 7:30pm Melbourne time and headed, as expected, straight for food. We were a little tired and wanted a quick meal. So Roger took us to the city to this place called Chine at Paramount Place. Well, it wasn't really that fantastic but it was an adequate meal for two starving monsters who just got out of the plane.

Here's what we ordered:

Mixed Vegie with Fried Beancurd ~ nice to have some greens but not the really green kinda green. Sorry, that must be jet lag talking.

Tenderloin grain fed feed pan fried with hoisin sauce ~ nice and very tender.