This banana snack used to cost RM0.10 per piece or RM1 for 10 to 12 pieces. Nowadays RM1 for 6-8 pieces (half of the old size) is like a bargain. It's really terrifying how the 40% Petrol Price Hikeprice ripples into almost all goods and consummables items.
For a slightly above average income earning family, it is maybe manageable with a little more care like turning off the air cond and lights when you are out of the room, & using a smaller car when travelling. But then how many above average income families does this country have?
Why couldn't there be a tapered price increase? Why were there no supporting plans already in place before the announcement of such an increase? Why wasn't global inflation managed in a better way? I have since stopped asking those futile questions. Guess we are beyond disappointment with the current administration.
Months after the announcement, we see exhorbitant price increase in everything. I cook alost daily & do my marketing once every week. I used to get by with an average RM150 -180 per week on food alone. Today, that amount can't even get you anything.
Mind you, that amount is just for the two of us. Besides, it is not my principle to scrimp on food. My father's foochow wise say "how much can one eat" and "what's the point of being a human being if you dont even eat", I would not save in this design. So ladies, let us continue to work hard in giving our family our very best effort with our God given intelligence and creativity.
Cool, isnt it?! Cucur Pisang can make me think so much. Anyway, back to the bananas. After the horror of rumours about using plastic in oil, I had not touched banana fritters bought outside except the few pieces that were given to us by a nice lady friend, Aunty Esther, which were pretty soggy and therefore a good sign that there were no unwanted agents there. So these days, I diy my own.
Make 25 pieces
200gm of rice flour
50gm of plain flour
1 teasp of baking powder
enough water to stir dry into thick batter that coats the spoon
Pisang tanduk or pisang kap0k

1) Mix dry together. Add water and stir into a thick batter if you want thicker skin and vice versa. This formula gives very crispy skin that last for a quite a little while.
2) Slice bananas into halves or slices and dip into the batter with a spoon. Drop into a wok of clean fresh oil and deep fried till golden brown and crispy.