This is a recipe which I grew up with because Aunty Selina and Aunty Linda would do something like this at Grandma and Grandpa's gatherings in the older days. I made some modifications to theirs, using different fruits, and I added prawns (inspired by Terri). For a different version, please visit her at hungerhunger.
I used fresh fruits for this salad.

1/2 no of small-med honeydew/rockmelon, just riped
1/2 no of small papaya, just riped
1/2 no of medium pineapple
optional fruits ~ 1 small can of longan, 1 small green apples, 1 small pear
Note: You can either use mango or honeydew/rock melon as the main fruit as both are quite strong in taste. If mango is the main fruit, use 2-3 nos. If honeydew/rockmelon is the main, use 1/2 + 1/4. I did not use mango because I could not find it anywhere in Kuching last week, so i used the formula for honeydew.
1 jar of 230ml Kraft mayonaise
3 tbsp of sweetened condensed milk
3-4 no of local limau/lemons
600-800 gm of unshelled medium prawns
1-2 tbsp of chopped parsley
1) Cut all the fruits into small cubes of 1 cm X 1 cm. Keep them refridgerated.
2) Mix the mayonaise, sweeted condensed milk and limau in a bowl. Mix well and store in refridgerator.

3) Prepare a pot of water enough to cover prawns. Clean and devein prawns. Boil for 3 min or so until the prawns are cooked. Don't overcook though. Peel the shells off and keep it in refridgerator.
4) Prepare 1 to 3 way ahead so that you can chill them. Before serving, mix mayonaise mixture and fruit mixture. Mix some mayonaise mixture with prawns and place onto top of fruit mixture. Sprinkle parsley on top.

i thot this looked familiar...:D
hehe ..wat to do..you kick in the craving...
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