This is for those who have not seen us for quite some time (7 months to be exact).
Due to her special condition, Nee will be mostly resting at home this festive season. We'll do the ocassional necessary visits to our relatives (during meal times).
Happy Chinese New Year to all our readers & patrons of Nee's.
P/s Despite what's on my Polo-T, I am not 100 years old.
p/p/s Nee's will be closed for the Chinese New Year celebrations & will open again on Feb 9 onwards.
p/p/s Nee's will be closed for the Chinese New Year celebrations & will open again on Feb 9 onwards.
Congratulations! Happy new year!
hey! Congratulations Nee & Greg!
Nee, you look great! uh... so do you Greg. :)
congrats Nee & Greg! Get plenty of rest Nee :)
Congrats Nee & Greg!
yes, nee you look beautiful pregnant! relax n enjoy the pregnancy, the birth, everything. it's so wonderful to experience motherhood. fatherhood too, greg :DD
eagerly waiting for your announcement in march.
Dear all. thank you so much for your well wishes. You all have been so kind to keep visiting when we are so quiet. Been so pre occupied with the pregnancy and the festive seasons.
TQ for course for the compliments...hehehe...all pregnant mummies like to be told that they are pretty. hahaha..but i am happy getting bigger and showing off my big tummy...glad i am not emotional about getting rounder like some gals i know. I tend to be more worry if tummy doesnt grow.
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